Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Things that piss me off

Note: Only the author gives a shit about this article. Readers are welcome to though. Group solidarity. The author has no idea what induced him to write this article. He blames it on peer pressure. He feels the pressure to be more wannabe and self righteous in his writing.

1. Religious fundamentalists
2. Religion
3. Tiny cramped cars
4. Violation of traffic rules
5. The look which most girls give you when you go to a nice 'hang out place' in shorts and an old tee
6. Ill founded pride in Marathi culture
7. Computer programming
8. Being force fed health biscuits by mum and sister because I've become something they call 'scary thin'
9. Summer training
10. Enclosed spaces
11. Pseudo-savvy T-shirt quotes
12. Being scared of two-wheelers on the road when you're driving a car. There ain't no David Goliath situation in real life.
13. Precocious children
14. People who are cruel to cats
15. The the entire dirty great field of engineering


Prashant Nagpal said...

Dude! Tshirt quotes are actually cool man!
Not in our college though :-/

Sagar Premkumar said...

YOU hate religion??
I hate religion !!!
*Group hug *

Rover said...

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, -14
I agree on these points...woohoo

Ani yewdha kaa chidlaay mhane?

Rover said...

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Nikita said...

Nikita Prakash likes this *thumbs up*
i agree with ALL :D
specially the ppl bein cruel to cats..or dogs or any animal :(

blog publicity on fb helps :)

Nikita said...

not the 'scary thin' part tho :|
i face QUITE the opposite :|

Nikita said...

"Ani yewdha kaa chidlaay mhane?"


MAN! i miss hearin ppl talk in marathi!
snifff! waaaaaaaaahhh :'( :'(

Slippery Salil said...

@gunner: group hug dude!!!!

argenzen said...

your legs are just abnormally long.